The cuisine of Ica is a fusion of Creole cuisine and African cuisine dela influence your meals are based on beans and beans seasoned with peppers, representative carapulcra dish is accompanied with dry soup or noodles seasoned, ICA is one of the places in Peru that has a variety of marine species therefore can cook dishes like seafood ceviche rich, jellies, stretcher, tiraditos among other dishes.
The cuisine of Ica is a fusion of Creole cuisine and African cuisine dela influence your meals are based on beans and beans seasoned with peppers, representative carapulcra dish is accompanied with dry soup or noodles seasoned, ICA is one of the places in Peru that has a variety of marine species therefore can cook dishes like seafood ceviche rich, jellies, stretcher, tiraditos among other dishes.
Food Typical Ica
Dried potato stewed and stewed with pork and chicken meat, chili pepper and sunflower, garlic and other spices.

Chupe de pallares verdes
Pallares soaked cooked in an onion dressing when cooked is added abundant cheese and milk.

Coctel de camarones
Cooked shrimp served in a glass

Ensalada de garbanzos
Chickpeas cooked with lemon and rocoto onions.

Ensalada de pallares
Pallets boiled, with a vinaigrette you add tomato onions in concasse and if you want some grated cheese.

Sopa seca
A dressing of red pepper with garlic and onion to which a little water and long noodles or spaghetti is added is more like a second.

Typical drinks from Ica
Pisco de Uva macerada

Pisco Sour


Chilcano de Pisco
Pisco with white soda.

Traditional desserts Ica
They are chocolates stuffed with dried fruits and white delicacy.

Frejol colado
Bean cooked with cinnamon and cloves then liquefy, cook again and add sugar and evaporated milk.

Mazamorra de Uva
The grapes are crushed then cooked with cloves and cinnamon is added dissolved flour and ready.